Archives September 2023

Web3: The Dawn of a New Creative Era

Web3, often referred to as the “read-write-own web,” is poised to revolutionize the creative industry. By providing innovative tools that enable creators to earn, own assets, and reclaim control from dominant platforms and intermediaries, Web3 is reshaping the landscape of creative work. This transformation is not just about the initial sale of a piece of art but extends to continuous earnings through programmatic royalty streams facilitated by smart contracts. These self-executing contracts have the capability to transfer and store funds, offering a fresh paradigm for creative endeavors.

Historically, technology has been a driving force for creators, ushering in an era of mass culture that nurtured a professional class of artists. However, the advent of the internet and AI has disrupted this equilibrium. The initial phase of the internet, Web1, democratized access to information but simultaneously commoditized art and music, diluting creators’ rights. Web2, on the other hand, facilitated content publishing and idea sharing but confined creators to platforms they neither trusted nor controlled.

The dominance of these platforms has led to an unequal distribution of wealth, with only a minuscule fraction reaching the creators. This disparity is evident in the strikes by the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Screen Actors Guild–American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG–AFTRA). The introduction of streaming has further complicated matters by reducing television seasons, downsizing writers’ rooms, and diminishing artists’ traditional revenue streams.

Web3 offers a beacon of hope in this scenario. By enabling creators to crowdsource funding directly from their fans, Web3 is democratizing the creative process. Moreover, the integration of AI with Web3 technologies can potentially benefit artists, allowing them to co-create alongside AI or even profit when their work is utilized to train models like large language models.

The decentralized nature of Web3 also empowers creators to track and monetize their intellectual property, ensuring timely and fair compensation. This is evident in the Philippines, where independent game studios are leveraging NFTs to fund new titles, bypassing traditional financial backers.

In Hollywood, this shift is palpable. Jessie Nickson-Lopez, a screenwriter known for her work on “Stranger Things,” has co-founded a Web3 startup, MV3. The company has launched a collection of NFTs representing characters that will form the foundation of a narrative universe. This approach not only inverts the traditional Hollywood model but also places control in the hands of the community.

In conclusion, Web3 is not just a technological advancement; it’s a cultural shift. It equips creators with tools to build genuine wealth from their work on a global scale. As the adage goes, the future isn’t to be predicted but achieved. With Web3, the creative industry is well on its way to realizing this future.

Why Emotional Intelligence is a Key Leadership Skill

Emotional Intelligence (EI), often referred to as EQ, has become a buzzword in the realms of both personal development and leadership. The article from Harvard Business Review provides a succinct overview of the 12 competencies of EI, emphasizing the importance of a balanced strength across these competencies for effective leadership. However, to truly appreciate the depth and breadth of EI, it’s essential to delve deeper into each of these competencies and understand their significance in various contexts.

1. Emotional Self-Awareness: This is the cornerstone of EI. It’s the ability to recognize and understand one’s own emotions. By being self-aware, individuals can navigate their reactions and make decisions that align with their values.

2. Emotional Self-Control: Beyond recognizing emotions, it’s crucial to manage and regulate them. This competency ensures that emotions don’t cloud judgment or lead to impulsive decisions.

3. Adaptability: The world is ever-changing, and adaptability is about embracing change, being flexible in one’s approach, and not being overly wedded to a particular course of action.

4. Achievement Orientation: This is the drive to improve and meet internal standards of excellence. It’s not about external rewards but an intrinsic motivation to do better.

5. Positive Outlook: Maintaining a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity, can lead to better problem-solving and resilience.

6. Empathy: It’s the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. In leadership, empathy can lead to better team cohesion and understanding customer needs.

7. Organizational Awareness: This is about understanding the dynamics within an organization, including the power relationships and unspoken norms.

8. Influence: Leaders need to persuade and influence others to achieve common goals. This competency is about effective persuasion techniques.

9. Coaching and Mentoring: Beyond achieving personal success, it’s about helping others grow and achieve their potential.

10. Conflict Management: Conflicts are inevitable, but managing them effectively can lead to better team dynamics and innovative solutions.

11. Teamwork: It’s about working collaboratively and leveraging the strengths of team members.

12. Inspirational Leadership: Inspiring and motivating others to achieve a shared vision.

The Broader Implications of EI

While the article touches upon the importance of these competencies, it’s essential to understand their broader implications. For instance, a leader with high emotional self-awareness will not only understand their emotions but will also be attuned to the emotional undercurrents within their team. This can lead to proactive interventions before minor issues escalate.

Similarly, adaptability is not just about personal flexibility but also about creating agile teams and organizations. In today’s volatile business environment, the ability to pivot and adapt can be a significant competitive advantage.

EI in the Modern Workplace

The modern workplace is characterized by diversity, remote working, and rapid technological changes. In such an environment, EI becomes even more critical. Virtual teams need leaders who can manage conflicts effectively without face-to-face interactions. Similarly, as organizations become more diverse, leaders need to be empathetic and understand the diverse needs and aspirations of their team members.


In conclusion, Emotional Intelligence is not just about being “nice” or “likable.” It’s a comprehensive set of skills that leaders need to navigate the complex challenges of the modern workplace. Whether it’s managing a diverse team, driving organizational change, or inspiring a shared vision, EI is at the core of effective leadership. As the article rightly points out, it’s essential to have a balanced strength across all EI competencies. Leaders should continuously assess and develop their EI competencies to remain effective and relevant in the ever-evolving business landscape.

Embracing Risk Management: A Necessity for Smaller Companies

In today’s volatile business landscape, risk management is no longer a luxury reserved for large corporations. In fact, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) might be at a greater risk. These businesses don’t face the same regulatory pressures that compel larger companies to measure and mitigate their risks. However, they also lack the buffer resources to withstand unexpected shocks. A single significant incident could push them to the brink of bankruptcy. This is precisely why SMEs can benefit immensely from three pivotal actions: designing controls that are proportionate to the risks involved, analyzing lessons from successes (not just failures), and leveraging risk management to enhance and safeguard business performance.

Regrettably, there’s a prevailing stereotype that risk management is mundane. Risk managers are often perceived as pessimistic clerks, while compliance officers are labeled as alarmists. Such misconceptions have rendered risk management an unappreciated and misunderstood discipline. For many, it remains a tedious and expensive task until disaster strikes.

However, this narrative needs a shift. Risk management is not just a tool to counter potential threats; it’s an instrument that can add immense value to a business. With proper risk management, companies can gain a deeper understanding of their business environment, anticipate market shifts, and make informed decisions. Moreover, it can help businesses build robust resilience, ensuring stability in the face of uncertainties and changes.

For SMEs, embracing risk management is crucial. Compared to their larger counterparts, they might not have the resources to tackle sudden market shifts or other external threats. Hence, they need to utilize their limited resources smartly, ensuring consistent stability and growth in their operations. This underscores why risk management isn’t just for the big players; SMEs need to take it seriously too.


In this age of unpredictability, risk management is not an option but a necessity. Regardless of a company’s size, it’s pivotal for its long-term stability and prosperity. It’s high time risk management transitioned from being an overlooked discipline to a core business tool.

Is Your Team Drowning in Collaboration Tools?

In today’s digital age, the workplace has transformed dramatically. The rise of collaboration tools promised a new era of efficiency and connectivity. Platforms like Slack, Teams, and Zoom have become household names, with professionals relying on them daily. However, as with all technological advancements, there’s a flip side. The very tools designed to enhance productivity have, in many instances, become sources of distraction and stress.

The Digital Deluge

Every day, the average worker is bombarded with a plethora of digital notifications. They check their email approximately 77 times, sifting through an average of 121 new emails. This doesn’t even account for the myriad of other notifications – from instant messages, shared document feedback, to task reminders. The constant digital pinging has led to a phenomenon known as “notification fatigue.” It’s not just about the volume; it’s the mental load of switching between platforms, contexts, and tasks. This constant digital juggling act can lead to decreased productivity, increased stress, and ultimately, burnout.

The Illusion of Productivity

On the surface, being constantly connected might seem like a boon. Immediate responses, real-time collaboration, and the ability to multitask across platforms give the illusion of productivity. However, research suggests that multitasking can reduce productivity by as much as 40%. Every time we switch tasks, our brain needs time to adjust. Over the course of a day, these seconds add up, leading to significant time loss. Furthermore, the constant barrage of notifications can fracture attention, making deep work nearly impossible.

The Collaboration Cleanse

Recognizing the challenges posed by an overreliance on collaboration tools, the authors introduced the concept of the “collaboration cleanse.” This approach encourages professionals to take a step back and evaluate their digital habits. Which tools are essential? Which notifications truly require immediate attention? By streamlining digital interactions and setting boundaries, professionals can regain control over their workday.

Strategies for Effective Collaboration

  1. Prioritize and Streamline: Not all notifications are created equal. Prioritize which ones require immediate attention and which can wait. Use features like “Do Not Disturb” during deep work sessions.
  2. Schedule Digital Breaks: Just as you would take a coffee break, schedule short digital breaks. Use this time to disconnect, stretch, or even meditate.
  3. Educate and Train: Organizations should offer training on effective use of collaboration tools. This includes etiquette, best practices, and features that can enhance productivity.
  4. Feedback Loops: Encourage open communication about digital tool usage. What’s working? What’s not? Regular feedback can help in refining digital strategies.


While collaboration tools offer numerous benefits, it’s essential to use them judiciously. The key lies in striking a balance. By being mindful of our digital habits and making conscious choices, we can harness the power of these tools without feeling overwhelmed.