5 Essential Tips for New Graduates Struggling to Land a Job

5 Essential Tips for New Graduates Struggling to Land a Job

Once the excitement of graduation fades, the season of new beginnings can become a challenging period for many fresh graduates. While some head off to new jobs or further education, others face uncertainty about their next steps. Should you stay in your college town, move back home, or venture to a city with better job prospects? How should you fill your days now that classes are over? And how do you explain your activities to potential employers?

Even though the class of 2024 avoided the recession some feared, they still face a job market that prioritizes skills over degrees and part-time roles over full-time positions. If you’re among the new graduates still seeking a job, here are five key tips from career experts to help you navigate this transition.

  1. Recognize Your Value Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the unemployment rate for recent graduates was lower than that for the general population. Since 2021, however, new graduates have faced higher unemployment rates.

“I don’t want [the state of the economy] to discourage grads,” said Cindy McGovern, author of Sell Yourself: How to Create, Live, and Sell a Powerful Personal Brand and CEO of Orange Leaf Consulting. McGovern emphasized that not having a job lined up is neither normal nor abnormal. “It’s just where we are, looking at the greater scheme of the market,” she added.

In other words, the demand for labor is constantly fluctuating and varies between sectors. When the economy is in a lull, the job search can feel discouraging, but ultimately, such factors are out of your control. To stay motivated, it’s helpful to acknowledge this and regularly remind yourself that it’s not a reflection of your individual value or abilities.

Pro tip: If you lack long-term work experience, don’t let it get you down. Everyone starts somewhere, and often, being a “newbie” can have advantages. “I would rather hire somebody young and hungry and full of fire in their belly, than somebody that has 15 years of experience, who’s going to rinse and repeat,” McGovern said. “But sell me on the fact that you’ve got the fire in the belly.” She explained that you can teach someone skills, but you can’t teach them motivation.

  1. Clarify Your Goals Entering the workforce might tempt you to rush into the first job offer you receive or follow friends to major cities where opportunities seem plentiful. While securing a strong role is important, taking the time to reflect on your desires and strengths can be more beneficial, according to Liz Sastre, a professional coach with RKE Partners.

Your first job out of school likely won’t make or break your career, but it can still be a step in the right direction. On average, it takes three to six months to find a job — plenty of time to pause and reflect on what you might want. Try writing down your greatest skills and strengths — as well as how you’d like those to manifest in this role. Think about the type of projects you enjoy most, the tasks that come naturally to you, and any results you’ve generated using those skills (whether that be in class, internships, or past work). This information can give your search a little more direction: What kind of roles and responsibilities best align with what you’ve written down?

In addition, Sastre suggested being “realistic” (financially and otherwise) when considering where and when to move for work. This could mean living at home and saving until you land a stable position, or being open to relocating somewhere unexpected when you find work that feels exciting or meaningful.

Pro tip: As you reflect on your strengths and the quantifiable outcomes they’ve generated, be sure to include those numbers on your résumé (for example: “My actions led to a 25% increase in profit”). If that data isn’t available to you, share examples of your accomplishments and the positive feedback you received from past managers or professors.

  1. Keep Building Your Network For the class of 2024, who started their college experience virtually, the career-building relationships that often naturally form between peers and professors were delayed, Sastre said. That’s why fresh graduates need to make a real effort to grow them.

“You can know 15,000 people on LinkedIn, but how many of them are engaging with you, supporting you, and advocating for you?” McGovern added.

A great way to get started is by contacting employees at companies you’re interested in working for, or who work in industries you’re exploring, and asking for informational interviews. When you reach out, let them know how you found them, who you are (for example, a recent graduate), and why you want to chat. An example of what you can say is:

Hello, my name is [Name] and [Name] referred me to you. I recently graduated from [school] where I studied [major]. While in school, I interned with [former employer/internship] where I [duties and responsibilities]. I’m looking to broaden my expertise and build a career in the field of [industry].

Would you be available for a 30-minute Zoom chat to share your knowledge and experience in your field? [Name] says you are the go-to person to speak with. Please let me know, and thanks so much for your time!

Don’t use these conversations to ask for a job. Rather, think of them as learning opportunities. Sastre recommended conducting these conversations before applying for jobs. That way, if during your job search, an opportunity opens at a company where one of these connections works, you already have a relationship to tap into.

Pro tip: Today, when everyone can create a clean and thorough résumé using AI, your network is how you can stand out. “Applying randomly is kind of like throwing your résumé outside and hoping that someone gets hit by it and knocks on your door,” Sastre said. “Intentionality is so important.”

  1. Embrace Resume Gaps When you have a gap between your education and employment due to an unlucky job hunt, common interview questions may include “What did you do in the last year to improve your knowledge?” and “From your résumé, it seems you took a gap year. Would you like to tell us why that was?” Answering them can be intimidating.

The good news is, these gaps are not as uncommon or stigmatized as they used to be. It’s important to frame them as purposeful — whether it be for family, for the sake of self-growth, or for the sake of finding an opportunity that truly fits your skills — and share what you learned during that time. “The key is to show that this was not a gap in the progression of your personal development, but rather, a pause on the professional track,” McGovern said.

Pro tip: Use the time to gain new skills, volunteer, or take on freelance projects. These activities can fill the gap on your résumé and demonstrate your initiative and commitment to continuous learning.

  1. Leverage Online Learning The digital age has made it easier than ever to acquire new skills and knowledge from the comfort of your home. Platforms like Coursera, edX, and LinkedIn Learning offer courses across a wide range of subjects, often taught by industry experts from leading universities and companies. By taking these courses, you can enhance your qualifications, stay current with industry trends, and make your résumé more appealing to potential employers.

Pro tip: Choose courses that align with your career goals and add the certifications to your LinkedIn profile and résumé. This not only shows that you are proactive about your professional development but also helps you stand out in a competitive job market.



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